
What our happy healthy clients say...

“It started with a gift certificate for a massage and with your expert treatment, referrals and advice, I no longer need to take my HRT and anxiety medications. I feel fantastic.”


“Since I had my first appointment, I have turned my whole life around. I have changed my priorities and I am noticing how my stress at work affects my state of mind and then my body. I can’t believe how easy it is to ask for what I need and I communicate so clearly now. Instead of my work affecting every part of my life, I now make decisions that allow me to feel calm, relaxed, happy, in balance and control. This is the beginning of many positive changes.”

(Massage and Counselling – Young working mum)


“Since I started having massages 5 years ago, I have learned so much about how the body functions and how I can take better care of myself. Having had a stroke there are many things that I find difficult, but my regular treatments improve my circulation, relax my muscles and help with my sleeping. I don’t know why more people don’t have massages. I work all the rest of my week around this appointment.”

90’s senior


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