Fears and Phobia Release

DITCH THE PHOBIA – From Fear to Fantastic

DITCH THE PHOBIA – From Fear to Fantastic 6000 4000 Nyrie

Most of us are scared of something which is perfectly natural.  It has a protective function to warn us of danger and to heighten our awareness to explore safety and stay alive. (Insert Bee Gees AH-AH-AH-AH Staying Alive, Staying Alive !) But there is a big difference between Concern, Fear, Anxiety and Phobias.  A Phobia is an extremely anxious irrational state in response to an object or scenario affecting around 8-10% of people.

Most of us know someone or are someone who has a phobia of spiders, germs, flying, vomiting, clowns, public speaking or snakes or one or more than over 500 known phobias. One I had never heard of before is Nomophobia – the fear of being without your mobile phone or reception.  Hmmmmmm, that sounds familiar.

I remember camping along the Port Hacking River years ago where we watched a majestic diamond python with golden diamond shapes down its length, elegantly and effortlessly glide over the wet sand. It was mesmerising! It paused at the waters edge and then swam the width of the river and up the other side onto the land.  As you can imagine, I don’t have a snake phobia but if you have a snake phobia, just reading the word snake, looking at a photo or seeing a plastic snake could take you from calm to panic in a heartbeat. (Read our Testimonial Page for a review of a successful Snake Phobia Release).

Classical Phobia Treatment includes Exposure therapy where clients are gradually exposed to increasing stimuli.  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is also employed to bring conscious awareness to the way irrational thoughts and assumptions lead to uncontrolled nervous system responses.  A history of anxiety and trauma are also explored

We approach resolution of Phobias using Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Counselling and Tapping (EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique).  Questions we ask include:

  • How long have you had this phobia?
  • What happened when it started?
  • How bad out of -/10 does it get?
  • What would it have to be -/10 to feel better about this concern?
  • What has to happen to feel that panic?
  • How does it affect your life?
  • What will your life be like when you are past this Phobia?

Some Phobias are borrowed. “Grandma would scream in terror in thunderstorms – 

“Get under the table, we’re all going to die”.


Lightning & Thunder Storms

I don’t know anyone who would be ok with a spider running across their face and most people will back away from a snake in the bush. These are totally appropriate responses. but wouldn’t it be cool to remain appropriately cautious and calm whilst in the safe vicinity of these creatures of the earth ? And to laugh with abandon at the circus clowns with the music blaring boldly and to be so relaxed in the comfort of your  chair that your flight take off is totally unnoticed?  Maybe you are ready to make this change now?  We would love to help.

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