Conditions We Treat

Asthma, Arthritis, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Migraines, Plantar Fasciitis, Bronchitis, Neck Pain, Nerve Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Postural problems, Gout, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Scars, Sciatics, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herniated Disc, Scoliosis, Chronic Pain, Iliotibial Band Contracture, Constipation, Impingements, Sporting Injuries, Contractures, Insomnia, Sprains, Contusions, Knee Injury, Strains, Cramps, Low Back Pain, Stress and all its related conditions, Digestive Disorders, Synovitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory conditions, Muscle Tension and Spasm, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis, Edema, Sluggish metabolism, TMJ Dysfunction, Emphysema, Pneumonia, COPD, Whiplash, Fluid retention, Sinusitis. Compartment Syndrome.
Remedial Massage

Remedial and Sports massage is the massage of choice for postural problems, muscle spasm, tears and pain, repetitive strain, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, sinusitis, lung conditions, digestive disturbances including constipation, and sports injuries, TMJ Dysfunction, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, pre and post event sports treatment. Deep tissue massage, Trigger Point therapy, Postural anomalies, Myofascial release and stretches are incorporated into this treatment. If you are feeling tight, sore, exhausted or emotional, let us ease your body back into feeling strong, flexible and energetic.
Swedish Massage

Relaxation Massage or Swedish massage is the perfect choice of massage when you need restoration. Its main aim is to induce the relaxation response by using flowing movements and gentle pressure. This massage has the motto “No pain – KNOW gain” and it Improves circulation, calms anxiety by re-setting the autonomic nervous system, restores when fatigued, burned out or grieving.
Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage is a heavenly blend of Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage and acupressure. Gentle pressure combined with slow paced movements and divine botanical essences in a water soluble carrier oil take you to bliss. Many health conditions can be treated with essential oils including headaches, congestion, fluid retention, hormone problems, musculo-skeletal pain, immunity problems and respiratory conditions to name just a few. Children especially love to choose oils for their own sleep-time massage lotion.
Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy gently treats muscle and fascial pain and restriction, allergies, asthma, TMJ dysfunction. This is a pain free technique with gentle rolling movements made at groups of points around the body to interact with the Nervous System and the Muscular system to bring elongation of muscles, release of fascia and healing at many levels. This technique is performed while clothed. A safe gentle technique for everyone especially Mums to be and children. Works brilliantly for active sporty clients.
Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a gentle and deeply relaxing treatment performed mostly without oil and is a pain free treatment. It improves your immune system, decreases fluid retention especially in limbs after surgery where lymph nodes are removed; assists detoxification, addresses chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, relieves sinusitis, constipation, swelling, bruising and scarring from injuries and operations and acne. Pain is lessened as nerves are soothed with the circular pumping movements. It also Improves quality of sleep and motivation and decreases anxiety.
Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release works on the premise that Fascia or connective tissue in the body is interconnected in a three dimensional matrix. Tissue restricted in one area can produce tension on surrounding and distant tissue. This gentle technique performed directly on the skin without lubricant, elongates and releases restricted fascia to improve range of motion, biomechanical function, relaxation, tissue regeneration and pain levels. Deep relaxation comes as emotional energy held in the restrictions is also released and tissues are better integrated.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a gentle pain free approach to healing mainly working with the head, spine & sacrum but also bringing balance, peace and healing to the whole body. Deeply relaxing and healing at many levels. This technique is used to calm the fight and flight state of the Nervous system which is experienced in trauma, PTSD and anxiety. Headaches, TMJ dysfunction, restrictions, injuries, pain through the muscular skeletal system, visceral organs, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are just a few conditions that respond to this technique that elicits stillness, serenity, connection and expansion.
Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage alleviates postural strains, improves circulation, reduces fluid retention, calms emotions and hormone fluctuations and relaxes all the body systems. Using a pregnancy pillow, mums-to-be can lie on their tummy supported in a comfortable neutral position. The use of Pregnancy safe Essential oils calms stress and restores balance.
Dry Needling

Dry Needling uses fine, sterilised, single use Acupuncture needles to deactivate myofascial trigger points. Trigger Points are hypersensitive points found in a taut band of muscle that cause local and referred pain and local and satellite twitch responses. Many therapists are finding success with this modality in relieving pain, tightness and fascial restriction. Dry Needling is different to acupuncture where needles are inserted into acupuncture points and relates to 5 element theory in Chinese Medicine. However, some acupuncture points are also trigger points. Whilst some points sting, ache or twitch initially when a Trigger point is successfully isolated, other inactive or functioning points may be totally painfree.
A massage is an investment in your full creative expression, productivity, passion and sustained growth.
Robin S. Sharma