
Hypnotherapy is a safe powerful and researched modality supporting change, improving health and changing behaviours. Hypnotherapy also improves thought processes and helps move you from a stuck state to one of resourcefulness, action and achieving your desired outcome.

Neuroscientists have estimated that the unconscious mind accounts for 95% of the processes involved in our behavior and the way we think with only 5% of what we do accounted from our conscious processing.

Hypnotherapy uses a relaxed and focused state to access the unconscious mind where change can take place. It is here new strategies for thinking, behavior and physical functioning can be installed at the same time as releasing limiting beliefs and emotional blockages.

The unconscious mind governs the autonomic functions of the body, fight and flight responses, our beliefs, values, how we interact with the world, in fact everything we have experienced is stored here.

What happens in Hypnotherapy sessions?

At our first phone call, we ask for some general information about your goals of treatment, commitment levels, your history and your readiness for change.

The intake session identifies where you are now in relation to your health, work, relationships and habits.  We are interested in discovering your strengths, values, beliefs, your cognitive style and how you make decisions and what you like to do. With your end goal in mind, we take you through a hypnotherapy session.  The First session will take from 60-90 minutes. The number of sessions Depends on the complexity or simplicity of what you are healing.

Home play tasks may be given to reinforce positive change and self-hypnosis is taught to continue the healing process.

What does Hypnosis feel like?

When you are in a trance, you may feel anywhere from calm to deeply relaxed.  Being in trance is a normal experience we have several times a day.  When you are engrossed with a novel or watching a movie, knowing it is a movie but fully experiencing the sadness or excitement of the plot – you are in trance.  There are four main brain wave patterns.  In our waking state we are operating under beta brain waves. When we are deep asleep we are in delta wave and these waves are at the slowest and the unconscious mind is inaccessible at this level.  Hypnosis is effective during Alpha and Theta brain waves.  During Alpha brain waves there is deep relaxation at the gateway to the unconscious mind and Theta brain waves are slower between alpha and delta, where light meditation, dreaming and sleeping occur.

You may hear and remember everything said or consciously forget and subconsciously remember the suggestions of your session.  Change may be immediate or evolve over the net few days or even weeks.  Everyone’s experience is unique and perfect.  Its possible you wont even notice how easy the change has been and you are already enjoying a new experience.

What Hypnotherapy is not:

It is not mind control – hypnotherapy is only helpful if the goal of therapy is something you completely desire.
It is not magic though it can be magical.
It is not sleep though you can feel deeply relaxed.
It is not associated with any specific religion or esoteric science.
Valerie is has been trained with several Organisations and holds Certificates and Diplomas in Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy and is a registered member of the Australian Hypnotherapists Association.  Registered Hypnotherapists actively participate in Professional Development and Supervision to maintain high levels of professionalism.

Valerie is has been trained with several Organisations and holds Certificates and Diplomas in Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy and is a registered member of the Australian Hypnotherapists Association. Registered Hypnotherapists actively participate in Professional Development and Supervision to maintain high levels of professionalism.

We offer Hypnotherapy for a wide range of physical, emotional and behavioural conditions including:

  • Terrified by just the thought of an insect? Trembling at the sight of needles or taking cover when you’re given a plane ticket? Phobias are an intense irrational fear of an object or situation.  This fear intensity would be rated above 7/10 where ten is the most fearful state.  Anxiety can be a common partner.

    We work with Hypnotherapy, NLP and Counselling to identify the components of your phobia like when it started, how thoughts are distorted, identify true risk, discover negative self talk, behaviour and coping styles. In hypnotherapy, we release the phobia and anchor the desired state and behaviour, rehearsing how life is preferred with an appropriate response.  For example, unless you have training, most people would not attempt to pick up a snake, but it is possible to observe it and be curious of the markings on its skin and the effortless way it moves and keep at a safe distance, calm, neutral, or perhaps quickly returning to calm when the snake has moved on safely.

    Phobias can often be released in one session. However, we offer a more comprehensive program if anxiety, panic attacks or PTSD are also experienced.

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  • Do those life sapping sticks still have a hold on you?  Sick of the smell of smoke and a hole in your wallet?

    Hypnotherapy for Quit Smoking has the highest Success rate upwards of 82% according to two large studies.

    Smoking causes more serious effects on your health than all the other addictive substances combined.  We discover together the smoking behaviour, Emotions, smoking associations, the Addictive aspect and what motivates this change. How prepared you are to make this change now is a major predictor of you having success.

    The benefits of returning to being a Non-Smoker are:

    • Have a longer healthier life
    • Save $7300 per year / $73,000 in 10 years (Based on 20 cigarettes pd)
    • Look Younger, feel Younger
    • Develop healthy strategies for managing stress
    • Improved taste and smell (You will smell better too)
    • Reduce damage to lungs, skin, heart arteries and immune system
    • Reduce the risk of Cancer
    • Rewire your brain to break the addiction cycle.
    • Feel inspired to take back control of your life and health.

    New Scientist Magazine, issue 1845, 31.10.91 F. Schmidt & C Viswesvaren, Uni Iowa. Meta Analysis of 600 studies over 72,000 smokers. Hypnotherapy is the most effective way to give up Smoking.

    Hall & Crasilneck, 4 session protocol, 82% success rate after 1-4 years

  • When was the last time you felt hungry or stopped eating when you were satisfied? Annoyed at how often you go looking for food when you are emotional?  Just have no control?  At the same time your weight just goes up and up?

    Hypnotherapy for Weight loss focuses on mindful eating, improving awareness of hunger and satiety cues, beliefs around weight, eating strategies including emotions, boredom, procrastination and avoidance, Healthy food choices and smaller portions.  Using SMARTER goals, exercise, better eating habits and outcomes are identified. It has been proven that diets are not the answer.  What works is an approach to eating for necessary fuel and nutrition and occasional celebration that is sustainable as a way of life – A Non-diet approach but with the added powerful support of Hypnotherapy.

    Hypnotherapy bypasses the resistance to adopting healthier relationships with food and eating, even though we consciously know what that is.

    Hypnotherapy for Weight loss :

    • Sets your Mindset in line with your Goal
    • Makes it easier to eat in a relaxed manner
    • Improves Sleep and Stress to reduce cortisol levels that lead to weight increase
    • Supports healthier food choices and portions
    • Releases Emotions and Negative Beliefs
    • We identify and work around sabotaging behaviour
    • Improve quality of food choices
    • Increase water intake
    • Identify between head and stomach hunger

    Becoming the ideal weight helps you feel more comfortable, vital, healthy, eases joint discomfort, blood pressure, insulin and cholesterol levels become normalized. Self Esteem improves as you feel and look good. Does that sound like something you want?

    There is much to gain by letting go of unnecessary weight.

    Lets chat to organize your weight release.

  • Always felt you had no control with your portions? Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy program is a clinically tested approach to easy weightloss developed by Sheila Grainger.  It focuses on eating behavour, is safer than surgery without the incidence of post surgery complications.

    Gastric Band and Gastric Sleeve surgery has limited covered by Medicare and Health Funds making Hypnotherapy a cost effective and safe alternative to surgery.

    Hypnotherapy prepares you for virtual gastric band surgery experience to feel associated to a reduced size stomach that will only allow eating a small meal. This four session program is considered the ideal length.  However having an additional 1-2 sessions for continued support and managing other life challenges is usually appreciated.  There is some cross over with some of the components with our Weight loss program.

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  • Hypnotherapy for IBS has a 90% success rate ! One in five Australians (women more than men) are affected at some time of their life with IBS.  Symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, gas, pain and bloating are exacerbated by stress, emotions, diet choices, food intolerances and medication side effects. These symptoms can severely effect the happiness, comfort and freedom of ones life so we offer this program so you can regain control, and have ease and certainty in your life once more.

    Our 8 session Program includes:

    • Hypnotherapy sessions
    • Home play sheets
    • Exploring and clearing Emotions (anxiety, depression and stress)
    • Self-care strategies
    • Explore thoughts and behaviours
    • Food diary for Diet choices and correlating symptoms
    • Goal setting around gentle exercise, stress management and happy tummies
    • Tummy Massage Oil with Essential Oils chosen especially for you

    A 15-minute chat will identify how you can best be supported.


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  • Have you needed time off work because of your pain?  Had to give up your favourite activity ?  Has your quality of life declined since you had this pain?  While pain is our body’s way of alerting us of physical injury, Chronic Pain that has been around for over 6 months can be like an alarm that continues long after the danger has ceased, the memory of past injury long after tissues have healed.  Apart from physical pain, there are negative thoughts, emotions, challenges in life, activities of daily living no longer able to be enjoyed, fears of future pain returning at its worst, the memory of past pain.

    High levels of pain can originate from Osteo Arthritis, MusculoSkeletal origins, auto-immune disorders, migraines as well as man;y other origins.

    It is appropriate to see your medical practitioner about your pain to rule our current physical causes.  However, after your doctor’s clearance, residual discomfort may be reduced or managed with Hypnotherapy using the power of your unconscious mind and advanced techniques.

    Can you imagine your life with more comfort, ease and flexibility in your body, doing what you love ?  Valerie is a registered Drain that Pain Practitioner. We would love to talk with you about how we can help you.

  • Have you been feeling like you need some big changes? Don’t know how to get to where you want to go?  Do you need some support to get the journey going?

    When you are ready to redesign your life it is helpful to have someone to support this transformative process.  With the end goal in mind, We help you explore your current and projected satisfaction levels in the parts of your life and then help you plan achievable steps to achieve your goal.  Together we will identify a mindset for change and why this is most important for you and how life will be once you have achieved this amazing outcome.  In hypnosis we install this process for change giving direct suggestions of desired behaviour, clearing emotional blocks and working with the unconscious mind to make changes easily.



  • Are emotions getting in the way of living a happy life? Has Anger got you into some difficult situations?  Would you prefer to respond to situations instead of reacting to them but just don’t know how?

    Hypnotherapy for releasing emotions allows you to have a different response to life situations and in the way you feel in your body.  Imagine being able to let go of all that anger, to approach situations with calm positive expectancy?  To have hope once more? To completely accept yourself as being loveable and enough ?

    Releasing negative emotions and at the same time retaining all the positive learnings clears the way to have, be and do all the things you have always desired in a clear and open way.  This is usually a 6 session program depending on the range of experiences to clear and outcomes desired. A 15 minute call will be able to clarify your needs.

  • Is poor sleep affecting your Quality of Life?  Are you tired of repeated waking, having difficulty getting off to sleep or waking unrested?  Hypnotherapy for Insomnia is an effective way of accessing the unconscious mind to reprogram the process of getting good restful sleep.

    Though we all need different amounts of sleep, ranging from 5-9 hours, Insomnia is defined as having difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep, Waking early and feeling unrested after sleep.

    Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Pain, Alcohol consumption, late screen time or food consumption and poor compartmentalization skills are a few reasons for insomnia.

    The consequences of not sleeping well include fatigue, weight gain, poor immune function, increased pain, Mental Health conditions and Poor work performance.

    In our Getting Better Sleep program, we explore your sleep hygiene, device use, eating times, sleep posture, we address any emotional blockages to sleeping and give you a Sleep Hypnosis track to play at home each night to support you resting Well.  We may ask about your pillow and mattress and sleeping environment. Relaxation Techniques are also discussed.

    Please speak to your Doctor if you suspect there is a medical reason for your Insomnia.  This may include Sleep Apnea and Thyroid Conditions.

    To get a better sleep routine, to enjoy sound continued rest and wake refreshed and excited for the day, please message us to organize your hypnosis session.

  • Do you have days when Migraines stop you enjoying your life?  Have you had to cancel plans because of your Migraines?  Does your head feel like it is going to explode with that Pain?

    Hypnotherapy is a proven method of reducing the incidence and effects of Migraines.  Migraines effect women more than men and are to blame for excruciating pain and loss of work sometimes for several days in a row.

    Migraine triggers are unique for each person but include:

    • Muscular tension
    • Food intolerances
    • Vascular tension
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Stress and strong emotions
    • Hormones including the contraceptive pill
    • Change of environment
    • Sensory sensitivities – smells, light, sound
    • Dehydration

    In addition to Hypnotherapy, we discuss stress reduction techniques, explore mind-body conversations and postural correction. We recommend the Migraine buddy app to help identify migraine triggers, including food, sleep, hydration, and stress.  Drain That Pain and Old Pain to Go are Pain eliminating protocols that we now offer that work well for Migraines.

The secret of making something work in your life is first of all the deep desire to make it work, then the faith and belief that it can work, then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness, see it working out step by step without one doubt or disbelief

Eileen Caddy

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