Energetic Healing approaches gently shift energy blocks, heal emotions, clear and balance chakras and allow the physical body to return to its optimum health. Enjoy a deeply relaxing treatment and reconnect with your passion, creativity and spirituality with one of our Energetic Healing sessions.
Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy with Reiki are two gentle energetic approaches combined to reconnect mind and body, spirit and energy to correct connective tissue and organ dysfunction, reduce anxiety, improves body awareness, connectedness and brings peace and acceptance when life is challenging. Clients have used the words serene, melting, weightless, connected and expansive to describe their experience with Polarity therapy. Polarity Therapy Works to reconnect energy in the different energetic poles, energetic pathways, chakras, structural lines of force and draws from many ancient approaches to healing artfully collated by Randolf Stone.

Reiki is a hands on enegetic healing approach originating from a Japanese Monk. It channels universal energy through the Reiki practitioner to the recipient.
When negative emotions, stress or disease occur, the vibration of cells, chakras, auras and meridians change. When Reiki is applied directly via hands or distant healing the vibration is reattuned to support health and balance. We use reiki in conjunction with other energetic healing techniques, massage and craniosacral therapy. Reiki energy calms, stimulates, balances, clarifies, separates, and balances.
Chakra Balancing

Chakras are energetic centres that align to nerve plexuses, the subtle energy system of the spine, visceral organs, auras and meridians. Each has a sound, emotion, a period of life, colour, negative and positive emotions. Chakras can be torn, blocked, blown open, feel sluggish and their flow can be clockwise, anticlockwise, slow, fast or static and the second through to the 6th at the front and back of the body. When In a Chakra Balancing sessions, Chakras are Balanced and aligned, our health, energy and spiritual connection are optimized, we think clearly, speak with truth and kindness, are able to love and be loved and protect ourselves from energies that are not in our highest good.
Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.
Rachel Naomi Remen