Scar Massage
Massage therapy can be beneficial in addressing scar tissue by promoting flexibility, reducing adhesions and improving overall tissue health. Scars form as our body responds to injury, surgery and inflammation. Whilst most scars heal perfectly, some adhere to surfaces below so that the skin feels anchored to muscles, joints and tendons.
Troublesome scars feel itchy, sting, restrict range of motion, cause poor posture and are irritated by clothing. Some are red, raised and lumpy. Scars may cause negative feelings about the body and trauma from the event that caused them. It’s therefore important to have a therapist you trust to work on them sensitively.
Current approaches to working with scars
* Lymphatic drainage and myofascial techniques.
* Tissue can be lifted and twisted
* Stroking along or adjacent to the scar, massage using circular movements and across the scar in different directions.
* Low Level Laser, silicone cupping and taping also help scars soften, flatten and loosen from underlying structures.
Scars that respond to Massage
Surgery scars including mastectomy with axillary clearance, knee, hip and shoulder replacements,
Caesarean scars, Surgical drains gunshot woulds, burns, abdominal surgery, melanoma surgery, cosmetic procedures, self harm scars and acne.
It is safe to work on scars 6 weeks after surgery and even 60 year old scars respond to this gentle treatment. Noticeable improvements occur in as little as 15 minutes. A single treatment can improve the look and feel of a scar. However several short sessions bring the best result.
Every scar holds a story and is evidence of challenges from the past from which we heal Physically, Emotionally and Psychologically.
We have specialised training in treating scars so please book a time to chat to us to receive some help on www.inspiringwellness.com.au/book-now/